Imagine modern life without money simply impossible. Obtaining money often become central
to the life, pushing back on the periphery of the so-called "eternal" values. Sometimes money
contempt for hibernate poverty, disease. How to learn to "pull" money, not "sacrificing"?
Safely and easily treat money as a means of subsistence, growth and development, and not as a dark all of the ultimate objective of Genesis? You must remember that this money.
Imagine modern life without money simply impossible. Obtaining money often become central to the life, pushing back on the periphery of the so-called "eternal" values. Sometimes money contempt for sleepy poverty, disease.
How to learn to "pull" money, not "sacrificing"?
Safely and easily treat money as a means of subsistence, growth and development, and not as a dark all of the ultimate objective of Genesis? You must remember that this money.
Known classic economy Ricardo once said that "even love did so much people wise fool, how about the essence of money". Money determined and as a result of collusion, and as an instrument of State authority, and as universal vehicle Exchange.
The role of money as a benchmark for all exchanges always and everywhere played a product for which there is demand and which is available in sufficient abundance. For example, in China and Burma until the twentieth century as a means of treatment "went" salt and tiles tea, in ancient Mexico-pouches of cocoa beans. Very quick item hides and skins, and horses, sheep, goats, cows and other livestock. From the very word "Slav" originally meant cattle "wealth". The word "capital" happened from the Latin word "caput"-head, because by livestock fired head.
The closer to our time, the greater the role of metallic substances in servicing human needs Exchange and wealth. Here, too, was its own evolution: first coins of iron, lead, copper, then in progress went silver and gold. Their undoubted "money" quality: homogeneity Severability, keeping, portability, value (a rarity and labor-intensive production). They say that in the period of the gold standard in literally the word "no hands" of two thousand tons of gold very present. This was one of the main reasons for the transition to paper characters: $, $, brand. People have realized that the role of money passing the flight. That is the only item that you cannot use other free itself from it. They are fed not clothed, you will not give shelter and not excites until you invest their spend it on or not.
What awaits us in the future? What arrive replaced? Their representatives are there now. This so-called "Mystics money"-just recording on accounts and books. Cashless money. Then "on the horizon", simply write computer memory. So how do we treat this money?
Bad attitude to money, according to Atone Balkan, is to treat the disease. With this attitude may be at the subconscious level. It is a negative perception of money very often an obstacle, explicit restriction in attracting sufficient cash energy to ensure that person a decent life.
In Russia in a number of historical events to considerable wealth has penetrated deeply, the level of sub consciousness of many people. It has become an integral part of before the end of the "Russian mentality not know". This is reflected in such attitudes: "money-evil", "money human affect", "on the money happiness not money", "the rich also cry" and so on, that is why at present enormous demand psychological trainings, where "drives" negative installation sub consciousness.
People like "re-program." To do this, in particular, are unknown views personalities (force their credibility), e.g.:
"Money is the most important thing in the world. Money is like the lamp Aladdin "(Bernard Shaw)
"Money is the sixth sense, which allows you to enjoy the fruits of the first five" (Somerset Somerset Maugham)
"Money is the sweet Balsam" (Arab proverb)
"Money opportunities to achieve their own interests" (Paul Heine), but best of all said, in our opinion, our Russian writer Victoria Tokarev: "money is released freedom."
All these comments are encouraged to repeat as mantras. Then the positive attitude of the money will be in itself create such situations and circumstances offer money. It is particularly important stereotyping money from the younger generation. Yet Bernard Shaw in the preface to his screenplay "Mayor Barbara" convincingly wrote: "teach children that sinful inclination strive to money is reach the extreme limits of without shame and its lies and hypocrisy.
In general respect for money is the only in our civilization, that gives hope, the only healthy place in our minds. Money are equally bright personifications of health, honor, generosity and beauty, however, indisputably, sickness, weakness, and malformation reflect their deficiency. Not least of them is that they pull down people with the same low fatality, strengthen, and
are uplifting people noble. And only when they are lower to the degree of impairment in the eyes of some people and become more expensive to the degree of allowing in the eyes of other people, only if they become curse. "
In other words, all should be a measure. Want to find its own balance in respect of money. In the end the purse is the only application to the head.
The most famous book money last "quadrant cash flow-through their authorТs r. t. Kijosaki and S.L. Lecter says that" you will never be able to become truly free without financial freedom. " The authors suggest first log on to the position in relation to one of the four sections where you are or want to be: r-for workers, for those who provide themselves work (people "liberal professions": lawyers, notaries, consultants etc.), b-to-own business, and for investors.
Of course, financial freedom can be found in all four sections. The money will be the consequence of the fact that you yourself have found that you feel a topic like at home. For example, a highly capable bricklayer who "builds temple" and not simply "bricks" centers will receive from its work not only greater monetary energy (in market conditions significantly "underpaid" for the professionalism and sensitivity to work) but also moral energy (work as a hobby). However, some feel very bad, working for hire. Of them born free artists "or businessmen (sections and b). Here more. But more and risk of loss. More responsibility.
Do not belong to the problem of earning money too seriously. Let them come "ourselves", when you perform its mission. If money does not come, we should think about what you this situation? After all, she need you.